We are committed to
making a difference.
We are committed to making a difference.
Our winery supports charitable organizations—with sponsorships or in-kind donations—focusing on environment, education, and health and human services. We prioritize causes and activities that directly impact our employees and their local communities in Mendocino, Sonoma and Lake Counties, and other communities where our employees live.
Given our location and various alcohol regulations, we will only consider requests from organizations and events based in or taking place in California. Due to the volume of requests, we may be unable to fulfill all donation requests. Donated wine must be picked up from one of our Northern California locations.
To apply for a donation, please fill out our Donation Request Form below. You will receive an email notification once a decision is made regarding your donation request.
Donation Request Form
Thank you for submitting the form below at least 6 weeks prior to your event.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is my for-profit company eligible for donations?
Your organization must be a 501(c)(3) to receive a wine donation. If the donation is approved, you will need to provide a copy of your IRS designation letter.
Does my organization need to be licensed to receive a wine donation?
For wine donations in California, you must have a state Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) Liquor License. If you are auctioning wine, you must have a Type 31 License (otherwise known as a Special Daily). To pour and drink wine at your event, you must have a Type 33, 34, or 37 license.
How do I obtain licenses in California?
You may apply for licenses and permits through the California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), which can provide information about the application requirements and fees. Please note it can take up to 65 days from the date of application to issuance.
Will Fetzer Vineyards ship donated wine to my event?
We cannot ship donated wine. All donated wine must be picked up from a Fetzer Vineyards location.